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Industrias Metálicas Oñazwww.onaz.com


Industrias Metálicas Oñaz S.L.
Gerraundi 2 20730
Azpeitia (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
Tel: +34 943 15 70 45
Fax: +34 943 15 71 53
Email: correo@onaz.es


Oñaz® has highly qualified technical personnel with the adequate means to make a true diagnosis and completely develop the projects... from the previous study of each installation, individualised design, and customized manufacturing of each system to its final installation.

It also has the most innovative production technology and the most cutting edge means. Our manufacturing systems have been designed to respond with flexibility to the needs of the market and of our clients; beaceuse flexibility is a value that allows us to respond to different needs at the same time.

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